Tuesday 1 November 2016

what to do when you're home alone...

Assalamualaikum , para pembaca sekalian
[ terpoyo lakk]

hello , saya Mia and Mia baru je berjinak-jinak untuk tulis blog nih....
so,untuk first blog ni...Mia nak share satu resepi untuk korang make time korang home alone.
Hope for you all to read my first blog....

Ini ingredients yg diperlukan :

  1. 1 tbsp butter , melted.
  2. 1 egg yolk.
  3. 1 tbsp granulated sugar.
  4. 1 tbsp brown sugar.
  5. 3 tbsp all-purpose flour.
  6. choc chip [ as many as you want ].

How to make :
  • Firstly,mix butter and yolk until combine.
  • Then, add in granulated sugar and brown sugar together,mix it till' well combined and smooth.
  • Next , put the flour and mix until it well blend [ like a little likely doughy mixture ].
  • Lastly,add in as many choc chips as you want , mix and spread the batter evenly on top of it.
  • Microwave it for 40 seconds or 1 minute and 10 seconds.
  • Keep an eye on them , cause cooking time may vary [ depend on your microwave ]

Sorrylaaa,sbb bahasa dalam blog nih dah bercampur-baur
 Mia nih belum PRO ENGLISH ...cuz' that jadi camni 
buat blog while learning ENGLISH.
BTW, sesiapa yg baca blog nihh silakan mencuba
resepi yg Mia share ini ye ....

Kalau instruction kurang jelas....
korang tengok je VID dkt bawah ni
bcs , Mia belajar buat mug cookies dari dia laaa..